The Same River, Twice
Film produced for the permanent collection of M+ Museum, Hong Kong, 2021.Co-writing, co-production, animation, editing.
Produced by PetaBencana.id
MERA: Speculative Governance for Climate Adaptation
Film exhibited at Strelka Institute for Media, Art and Architecture, Moscow, June 2019.Design, research, animation, editing, production.
Peat Fires & Palm Oil: An Introduction
Animated video exhibited at “Verschwindende Vermächtnisse: Die Welt als Wald [Disappearing Legacies: The World as Forest]”, Zoologisches Museum, Centrum für Naturkunde, Universität Hamburg. November, 2017. Design, production, animation, editing.Produced by PetaBencana.id.
Is the City a Laboratory?
Film produced as a part of “Incomplete Urbanism: Attempts of Critical Spatial Practice”, NTU Centre for Contemporary Art, Singapore. October, 2016.Editing.
Produced by Dr. Etienne Turpin (anexact office).
Conspiracy of the Anthros
Documentary produced for “The Practice of Art in the Age of the Anthropocene” the 11th International Conference on The Arts in Society, UCLA, Los Angeles. August 10, 2016.
Produced by Dr. Etienne Turpin (anexact office).
CogniCity: Software as Infrastructure for Climate Adaptation
Documentary produced for the Open Data Institute. August, 2016.Design, animation, editing, production.
Produced by Dr. Tomas Holderness and Dr. Etienne Turpin.