28.09.2024Debts and Bonds in Design Legacies
Panel discussion with Robin Hartanto, Setiadi Sopandi, Amanda Achmadi, Mohammad Nanda Widyarta, Sandro Armanda. Nieuwe Institute. Rotterdam, Netherlands.
28.09.2024The Long Shadow of Infrastructure: Hydro-politics and Noological Ecologies in (post)colonial Indonesia
Speaker. Nieuwe Institute. Rotterdam, Netherlands.
22.02.2024Thinking like a Watershed: Design Research at the Intersection of Ecology, Governance, and Advocacy
Lecture. Metabolic Studio. Los Angeles.
26.01.2024#ClimateEmergis, How to Design the Future Together
Speaker and workshop at NTU CCA’s Environmentally-Engaged Artistic Practices in South, Southeast Asia and the Pacific 2024 Symposium. Nanyang Technological University Center for Contemporary Art. Singapore.
17.11.2023Design Futures: Visions for Humane AI
Panel Session with Keller Easterling, Dr. Bree Trevena. MPavilion. Melbourne, Australia.
16.11.2023Infrastructures of Life
Panel Session with Keller Easterling, Dr. Bree Trevena, Eva Pnfannes, and Christian Benimana.
Living CIties Forum, Infrastructures of Life. Naomi Milgrim Foundation. Melbourne, Australia.
16.11.2023Psychotrophic adaptations: Infrastructures of Life in a Boiling World
Keynote. Living CIties Forum, Infrastructures of Life. Naomi Milgrim Foundation. Melbourne, Australia.
06.11.2023Open Civic Infrastructures for Climate Adaptation
Speaker. CivicSabha. Civic Data Lab, Rockefeller Foundation. New Delhi, India.
26.10.2023Next Gen Governance for Climate Futures
Speaker. Climate Futures 2. ASEAN Foundation, Nanyang Technological University Center for Contemporary Art. Siem Reap, Cambodia.
20.07.2023Living at the Limits of Predictability
Speaker. AA Global Forum: Conscious Cities. Architectural Association.
08.03.2023The Art of Paying Attention for 21st Century Living Cities
Keynote. Living Cities Forum. Naomi Milgrim Foundation, University of Melbourne School of Design, City Lab. Melbourne, Australia.
24.02.2023Next Generation Climate Adaptation for ASEAN
Lecture. Fullbright University. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
17.10.2022Beyond Early Warning Systems, Learning from Local Wisdom
Speaker. Intergenerational Thinkshop for Hydromet Early Warning Early Action (EWEA):
The Engagement of Young Professionals in Disaster Risk Reduction. A Consortium for Capacity Building (CCB/University of Colorado, Boulder) Workshop hosted by the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA). Cairo, Egypt.
of Bank Raykat Indonesia). Youth 20 (Y20 engagement group of G20) Pre-Summit.
YSEALI Academy
USAID ADVANCE co-hosted Webinar with Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) and National Emergency Management Agency (BNPB)
Environmental Architecture Program Royal College of Art, London
Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa [non-profit organization of the GoTo Group]
Environmental Architecture Program Royal College of Art, London
Udayana University, Bali
(Supporting Households and LGUs Awareness and Knowledge for Earthquake Preparedness) Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas Pasig, CSA Malolos, Manila
Ateneo de Manila University (AdMU), Manila
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
New York University, Shanghai
Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF), Taiwan
YSEALI (Young South East Asian Leaders Initiative) Fullbright Academy
Palu Produktif, Palu
DRHA Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin
DRHA Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin
Lecture by Nashin Mahtani
Environmental Architecture Program Royal College of Art, London
Humanitarian and Emergency Logistics Innovation Expo, AHA
(ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance) Center
ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore
Architectural Association School of Architecture, London
Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture, McGill University, Montréal
Viper Gallery, Prague
University of Waterloo School of Architecture, Cambridge
Environmental Architecture Program Royal College of Art, London
GovLab, New York University
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne (cancelled due to COVID)
Triennale Milano, Milan
@america, Jakarta
03.02.2020Crowd-sourced Disaster Mapping for Climate Adaptation
Lecture by Nashin Mahtani
National Disaster Management Agency, Jakarta
Australian Embassy, Jakarta
World Culture Open, Olympic Plaza, Pyeong Chang
Strelka Institute for Media, Art, and Architecture, St. Petersburg
Strelka Institute for Media, Art and Architecture, St.Petersburg
Atma Jaya University, Jakarta
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) University, Surabaya
Beyond Change: Swiss Design Network Research Summit
FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basel
University of Waterloo School of Architecture, Cambridge
Platform Coop Consortium
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Time Span Museum, Helmsdale, Scotland
Atma Jaya University, Jakarta
The 5th Urban Social Forum
SMA Negeri 3, Bandung
the New Art Fest '17
Museum of Natural History and Science, Lisbon
Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology (MAAT) with e-flux Architecture, Lisbon
UNTAR Tarumnanagara University with Northeastern University, Jakarta
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
lecture by Nashin Mahtani and Christina Leigh Geros
FOSSASIA (Free and Open Source Software Asia)
Science Center, Singapore
The Impossibility of Mapping (Urban Asia)
in discussion with Giovanni Dessy Austriningrum (Bandung City Watch), Hong Phuc Dang (FOSSASIA), and Christina Leigh Geros
Nanyang Technological University Center for Contemporary Art (NTU CCA), Singapore
Debts and Bonds in Design Legacies
Panel discussion with Robin Hartanto, Setiadi Sopandi, Amanda Achmadi, Mohammad Nanda Widyarta, Sandro Armanda. Nieuwe Institute. Rotterdam, Netherlands.28.09.2024
The Long Shadow of Infrastructure: Hydro-politics and Noological Ecologies in (post)colonial Indonesia
Speaker. Nieuwe Institute. Rotterdam, Netherlands.22.02.2024
Thinking like a Watershed: Design Research at the Intersection of Ecology, Governance, and Advocacy
Lecture. Metabolic Studio. Los Angeles.26.01.2024
#ClimateEmergis, How to Design the Future Together
Speaker and workshop at NTU CCA’s Environmentally-Engaged Artistic Practices in South, Southeast Asia and the Pacific 2024 Symposium. Nanyang Technological University Center for Contemporary Art. Singapore.17.11.2023
Design Futures: Visions for Humane AI
Panel Session with Keller Easterling, Dr. Bree Trevena. MPavilion. Melbourne, Australia.16.11.2023
Infrastructures of Life
Panel Session with Keller Easterling, Dr. Bree Trevena, Eva Pnfannes, and Christian Benimana.
Living CIties Forum, Infrastructures of Life. Naomi Milgrim Foundation. Melbourne, Australia.
Psychotrophic adaptations: Infrastructures of Life in a Boiling World
Keynote. Living CIties Forum, Infrastructures of Life. Naomi Milgrim Foundation. Melbourne, Australia.06.11.2023
Open Civic Infrastructures for Climate Adaptation
Speaker. CivicSabha. Civic Data Lab, Rockefeller Foundation. New Delhi, India.26.10.2023
Next Gen Governance for Climate Futures
Speaker. Climate Futures 2. ASEAN Foundation, Nanyang Technological University Center for Contemporary Art. Siem Reap, Cambodia.20.07.2023
Living at the Limits of Predictability
Speaker. AA Global Forum: Conscious Cities. Architectural Association.08.03.2023
The Art of Paying Attention for 21st Century Living Cities
Keynote. Living Cities Forum. Naomi Milgrim Foundation, University of Melbourne School of Design, City Lab. Melbourne, Australia.24.02.2023
Next Generation Climate Adaptation for ASEAN
Lecture. Fullbright University. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.04.11.2022
Between Bots & the Biosphere
Keynote. Data Deluge Symposium, Flood Labs. New York University, New York.17.10.2022
Beyond Early Warning Systems, Learning from Local Wisdom
Speaker. Intergenerational Thinkshop for Hydromet Early Warning Early Action (EWEA):
The Engagement of Young Professionals in Disaster Risk Reduction. A Consortium for Capacity Building (CCB/University of Colorado, Boulder) Workshop hosted by the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA). Cairo, Egypt.
Transforming Social Media into a life-saving system
Panel Session with Micheal V. SianiPar (Co-Chair, Y20 Indonesia), Angeline Callista (Managing Director, Nara Syngery), Leorede Thenu (Program Manager, Pijar Future Lestari Accelerator), Irma Sitompul (Director, Pratisara Bumi Foundation), Indra Dwi Prasetyo (Director, Pijar Foundation). Lecture. Pijar Foundation, Indonesia.27.09.2022
Making Disaster Preparedness go Viral: Selfies for Next-gen disaster risk reduction
Lecture. University of Hawai’i at Manoa, The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Thailand, Disaster Risk Reduction Center Universitas Indonesia (DRRC UI).14.08.2022
Towards Recovery and a Just Transition
Speaker with Andhyta F. Utama, Co-founder ThinkPolicy. ThinkPolicy Live Session.23.06.2022
Developing a Proactive Global Strategy for Disaster and Crisis Philanthropy
Speaker on Panel with Derek Ray-Hill (Director of Charities Aid Foundation), Jessie Krafft (Senior Vice President of External Affairs at Charities Aid Foundation), Oscar Casalderrey (Director of Kopernik), Roberta Feliciano (Director of ABS-CBN Foundation). AVPN Conference.21.05.2022
Safeguarding the Global Commons
Moderator for Panel discussion with Herlina Hartano (Executive Director of Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara), Joseph D’Cruz (CEO of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), Kevin Lunzalu (Coordinator at the Kenyan Youth Biodiversity Network), Arga Mahanana Nugraha (Directorof Bank Raykat Indonesia). Youth 20 (Y20 engagement group of G20) Pre-Summit.
Youth Dialogue: Questioning Our Cities
Panel discussion with I Made Oketiawan, Nurhasanah Auliani, Novita Tan, Anneke Julianita, Chitra Subyakto, Muhammad Luthfi, Dara Kalili. World Wildlife Foundation (WWF)22.03.2022
Thinking Like an Archipelago : Design & Spatial Practice for Climate Change Adaptation in Indonesia
Panel discussion with Teti Argo, Ria Jhoanna Ducusin, Abidin Kusno York Center for Asian Research, York University, Canada15.03.2022
YSEALI Academy Seminar on Regional Environment and Resilient Development
Panel discussion with Koos Neefjes, Le Viet Phu, Jenny Tue Anh Nguyen,Anatole Boute, Puree SirasoontornYSEALI Academy
Leveraging the Best in Technology to Deliver Private Sector Disaster Preparedness
SpeakerUSAID ADVANCE co-hosted Webinar with Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) and National Emergency Management Agency (BNPB)
Environmental Architecture Studio Review
with Christina Geros, Irendra Radjawali , and Arus KualanEnvironmental Architecture Program Royal College of Art, London
Catalyst Change Makers Lab
Panel discussion with Yura Natanegara, Dr. Harkunti Rahayu,Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa [non-profit organization of the GoTo Group]
Orang-orang and the Hutan
Platform Launch with Christina Geros, Nashin Mahtani, and Arus KualanEnvironmental Architecture Program Royal College of Art, London
Next Gen Mutual Aid
SpeakerUdayana University, Bali
Crowdsourcing for Humanitarian Response and Recovery
Panel Speaker Project SHAKE(Supporting Households and LGUs Awareness and Knowledge for Earthquake Preparedness) Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas Pasig, CSA Malolos, Manila
Youth in Tech
Keynote speakerAteneo de Manila University (AdMU), Manila
ICT4Good Asia
Panel with Lim Eyung, Hong Phuc Dong, Dong Xie, and Nashin MahtaniNational University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Extreme Weather and Climate Conversations
Keynote speakerNew York University, Shanghai
Yushan Forum: Resetting Priorities of Progress with Resilience
Panel with Nashin Mahtani, Dr. Alan Hao Yang, Do Thi Thuy Huong, Dr. Rudra Chaudhuri, Dr. Zara Stanhope, Rabea Brauer, Dr. I-Chung LaiTaiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF), Taiwan
Twitter Demo Days: Extreme Weather and Climate Conversations
Nashin Mahtani and Jim Moffit16.09.2021
Social media for civic co-management
Workshop with Nashin Mahtani & Harlan HaleYSEALI (Young South East Asian Leaders Initiative) Fullbright Academy
Next Generation Disaster Risk Reduction
Lecture by Nashin MahtaniPalu Produktif, Palu
Decolonial Images & Unsettling Practices
Workshop with Nashin Mahtani & Etienne TurpinDRHA Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin
Just Enough for the City: Climate Change Lessons from the Asian Tropics
Lecture by Nashin Mahtani & Etienne TurpinDRHA Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin
Lecture by Nashin Mahtani
Environmental Architecture Program Royal College of Art, London
Urban Collective Intelligence: From Crowd Sourcing to Crowd Logistics
Panel with Etienne Turpin, Daisy Tam, Deepthi Chand Alagandula, Nguyen Minh-Tam, Ferth ManaysayHumanitarian and Emergency Logistics Innovation Expo, AHA
(ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance) Center
Humanitarian Chatbots for Climate Disaster Response and Recovery
Lecture by Nashin MahtaniISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore
More or Less Subdued: Colonial Images and Capital Accumulation,
Lecture by Etienne Turpin and Nashin MahtaniArchitectural Association School of Architecture, London
(T)here & Now: on futures always already occurring elsewhere
Lecture by Nashin MahtaniPeter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture, McGill University, Montréal
Architectures of Nature: Water
Lecture by Nashin Mahtani and Nabi AgzamovViper Gallery, Prague
Between Bots and the Biosphere: on Architectures of Adaptation
Lecture by Nashin MahtaniUniversity of Waterloo School of Architecture, Cambridge
Environmental Architecture
Lecture by Nashin MahtaniEnvironmental Architecture Program Royal College of Art, London
Humanitarian Chatbots for Mutual Aid
Lecture by Nashin MahtaniGovLab, New York University
The New Normal: The City as Synthetic Cinema
Lecture by Nashin MahtaniNational Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne (cancelled due to COVID)
Between the Screen and the Planet: media, design and emergent practices of collective urbanism
Lecture by Nashin MahtaniTriennale Milano, Milan
Banjir, Bots, and Gotong Royong: Strengthening Civic Participation for Climate Adaptation in Indonesia
Lecture by Nashin Mahtani@america, Jakarta
Crowd-sourced Disaster Mapping for Climate Adaptation
Lecture by Nashin MahtaniNational Disaster Management Agency, Jakarta
Disaster Prone and Tech Savvy
Panel Discussion with Dr. Agus Wibowo (Indonesia National Disaster Management Agency), and Ester Margaretha (Saraswati) Moderated by Dr Puji Pujiono (Pujiono Centre)Australian Embassy, Jakarta
Software as Infrastructure for Climate Adaptation
lecture by Nashin MahtaniWorld Culture Open, Olympic Plaza, Pyeong Chang
Software Infrastructures & Humanitarian Chatbots for Cities of the Anthropocene
lecture by Nashin MahtaniStrelka Institute for Media, Art, and Architecture, St. Petersburg
How architecture and urban design professions are changing in the age of digital transformation
Panel Discussion with Leo Stuckardt (MVRDV) and Matthew Claudel (MIT) moderated by Igor SladoljevStrelka Institute for Media, Art and Architecture, St.Petersburg
Digital Media and Social Change in Indonesia
lecture by Nashin MahtaniAtma Jaya University, Jakarta
Open Data for Earthquake Response & Preparedness
workshop by PetaBencana.idInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) University, Surabaya
Software for the City Yet to Come
lecture by Nashin Mahtani and Etienne TurpinBeyond Change: Swiss Design Network Research Summit
FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basel
Transversal Design for Ecologies of Scale
lecture by Nashin MahtaniUniversity of Waterloo School of Architecture, Cambridge
Sowing the Seeds: Platform Cooperativism for Asia
a discussion with Albert Liu (BTW Ride-Sharing), Jessamine Pacis (Foundation for Media Alternatives in the Philippines), and Ali Ercan (Needs Map)Platform Coop Consortium
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Practicing Deep Time
lecture by Nashin MahtaniTime Span Museum, Helmsdale, Scotland
Urban and Social Design Forum
lecture by Nashin MahtaniAtma Jaya University, Jakarta
Whose City Is It?
lecture and workshop by Nashin Mahtani and Pritta AndraniThe 5th Urban Social Forum
SMA Negeri 3, Bandung
Urban Ecologies and Software Infrastructures
lecture by Nashin Mahtanithe New Art Fest '17
Museum of Natural History and Science, Lisbon
Post-Internet Cities
lecture by Nashin MahtaniMuseum of Art, Architecture, and Technology (MAAT) with e-flux Architecture, Lisbon
Cross Disciplinary Approaches to Analyzing Flood Risk in Jakarta
lecture by Nashin Mahtani and Pritta AndraniUNTAR Tarumnanagara University with Northeastern University, Jakarta
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
lecture by Nashin Mahtani and Christina Leigh Geros
FOSSASIA (Free and Open Source Software Asia)
Science Center, Singapore
The Impossibility of Mapping (Urban Asia)
in discussion with Giovanni Dessy Austriningrum (Bandung City Watch), Hong Phuc Dang (FOSSASIA), and Christina Leigh Geros
Nanyang Technological University Center for Contemporary Art (NTU CCA), Singapore